Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wildflower Weddings

I don't normally pimp particular companies on this blog, but I'm looking into covering my front yard with self-seeding wildflowers and came across American Meadows, a company that sells regional wildflower seed (including organic and native seed mixes).  

On their website they have a whole section dedicated to including wildflowers in your wedding--throwing wildflower seeds instead of bird seed, rice, confetti or giving them as favors.  Wildflowers are really easy to grow, so basically, throwing some seeds on the ground in the fall or spring (prime wedding season) could be enough to grow a meadow of wildflowers.

While I don't really condone wedding-specific marketing and we didn't include throwing things or favors in our wedding, I actually think that in our situation throwing wildflower seeds in my parents orchard could have been really nice and would have been a nice reminder of the wedding orchard for years to come.  

Have any of you used wildflower seeds in your wedding in this way?  


  1. YES!!!! We used a bunch of wildflowers with a few purchased flowers in all of our table displays!
    Drop by and check out some of our pics on my blog.

  2. Sharpiegirl- Your wedding looks beautiful! I love the long family style table you made!

  3. Oh wow, the wildflowers are so pretty! I am going to diy some of my flowers and I may just use wildflowers!

  4. I LOVED that table!!! We had it made from 2x4's and plywood so that they could take it all apart and use it to add onto the house, or make a greenhouse or some such nifty addition to Arrowmoon.
    Oh and the table....yeah there was table dancing by all the ladies while the guys played music on the porch later that night! It was SOO MUCH FUN!!!

  5. If you can't get your hands on wildflowers, I highly recommend searching out a local farm/grower. Lots of farmers who sell produce at farmer's markets grow flowers on their land and may be willing to sell a bunch to you. That's what I did and my flowers turned out lovely. A close second to wildflowers!

  6. This is such a good idea! Another thought, though, that occurs to me in terms of "showering the couple", especially in a yard, is throwing grass seed. No doubt the lawn will get awfully trampled over the course of the day, and the seed might help bring it back up-to-snuff.

  7. i absolutely love the idea of throwing wildflower seeds :) very earthy chic! and wildflowers as centerpieces would be a very pretty addition to any table

  8. That's such a great idea! I like that much more than bubbles or sparklers.

  9. I just had a "flower shower" last saturday, the day before our wedding. All the ladies (and a few boyfriends, husbands, and kids) came to a local farm where you can pick your own flowers (they also do pick your own berries and other fruits). The flowers were 25 cents a stem (50 cents a stem for sunflowers) and I had about 20 folks there, so we picked more than enough for our wedding centerpieces and for my hair! i highly recommend it--much more meaningful for me than a regular gift shower.
