Monday, November 3, 2008

Go vote while I'm on a plane!

We leave for Argentina tomorrow (don't worry--we absentee voted a few weeks ago--Go Obama!). I am crazy scared of flying, and this is not a short flight (4 hours to Houston and then 10.5 to Buenos Aires). But, I've got drugs and my very supportive husband, so hopefully everything will go swimmingly.

I'm very, very excited to spend a few weeks exploring. We are going a few different places...9 nights total in Buenos Aires (staying here and here), 2 days in Igauzu (staying here), and 4 nights in Mendoza (here, plus two nights on the overnight bus which is fancy and totally unlike American buses).

The people who own the loft we are staying at our first week in Buenos Aires have been extremely helpful in suggesting things to do and are going to meet us on Wednesday to give us a tour of the neighborhood with a personalized list of stuff they think we might like to do.

I'm taking my camera and an extra memory card so I'll post tons of pictures when I get back (and I'll resume my wedding recap).

Have a lovely few weeks!

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