Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wedding Recap: the arts

After walking by the old motels, we went further downtown to the area Redding is actively trying to revitalize.

Here I am trying to emulate the crazy dance moves Shiva is doing in front of the Redding Arts building...
For those of you wondering why Siva only has 2 arms, it's because people in Redding can be idiots. They decided that a multi-limbed Hindu statue violated separation of church and state lopped off her extra arms.

Then we went on to the Cascade. When I was in high school this was the budget movie theater, but it was since purchased by Jefferson Public Radio (NPR) and now has great acts come through it.

They were setting up for the annual beer & wine festival on the street so there were people everywhere staring at us.

I love this picture of all of us...

Hanging out while other people are taking pictures...